A poem by V.B. Price For those of us who, unlike the God of Medicine, do not see death as a failure but an open door. Perfectcomforter, cleandoctorcalling our dreamsto heal us,our unchainedtrustto end our pain,immortalitywas your onetransgression:Not your own vice, but the sinof arrogance in the serviceof compassion:Zeuscrushed youfor it. Death,the only escape— to […]
Death with Dignity in a Culture Like Ours That Values Misery Over Mercy
The ultimate decision about ending of one’s life should honor an individual’s free will.
Nuclear Waste Storage: A Con Job on Impoverished New Mexico
Will New Mexicans rise up against two bogus nuclear re-definitions?
The Last Gasps of the Old World Order in Brazil as NM Shows How the New World Starts
As the precious Amazon burns due to extremist authoritarianism, New Mexico shows signs of a saner new order.
A poem by V.B. Price
For those of us who find our love of home, in place or person, to be the inspiration and grounding of our lives.
The GOP’s Moral Knuckle Dragging: Glorifying Rape and Incest as Biological Necessities
The GOP’s Moral Knuckle Dragging: Glorifying Rape and Incest as Biological Necessities
Nobody Ever Asks Us
In our technological society, are the rash of LED lights another genie that never goes back in the bottle?