Killing in self-defense or in a war — those are the only forms of homicide that our laws sanction and that our culture imbues, on occasion, with respect. All other kinds of murder we loathe or profess to loathe as moral abominations, but not the most premeditated kind of killing there is: vengeance murder by […]
Being Unprepared: A Scout’s Nightmare, a City’s Perilous Stupidity
What would happen to Albuquerque if the Southwest suffered a double whammy from climate change — rising seas on the West Coast and a mega drought in the Colorado River and Rio Grande Basins? Would we see a migration of the dispossessed from California and the big cities that depend on the Colorado River, Tucson, […]
The Link Between Optimism and Information: Three Great Sources
All dirty tricksters know about the indelible damage wrought by making false accusations. Our trickster-in-chief is a master at it. As the predominant “birther,” he falsely accused his predecessor of being an alien and therefore illegitimate as a president. He falsely accused his opponent in the last election, “crooked Hilary,” of being a criminal. And […]
William James and the Cure for a Democracy That’s Falling Apart
When President Trump appeared recently to take the side of rigorous gun control advocates and opposed the GOP’s long history of kowtowing to the gun industry and the NRA, sensing the political spoils in public fury over yet another school massacre, the prospect of even acknowledging the president’s seeming prudence unsettled large parts of the […]
Tobacco, Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear Accidents, Hazardous Waste, Assault Rifles — Unnatural Disasters We Live With
Have you ever gone into the market, or bank, or movie theater, or even your classroom, and felt that queasy wondering of “what if” some crazy guy with an automatic weapon just happens to take it into his head to start shooting in here? We normally dismiss such dark musings as soon as they show […]
Dede Feldman, Howard Zinn and Grassroots Action in New Mexico
When the national political scene becomes so rancid that not even news junkies can stand to pay too much attention to it, the disgust factor can infect one’s attention to local issues, too. In fact, local issues suffer from almost any conflict with national news, especially when national news is vile, loathsome AND packaged as […]
Future Shock and Preparing to Adapt to Climate Change
Albuquerque, the major city of the poorest state in the nation, does not seem to be actively preparing itself for what now seems likely to be the inevitable advance of desiccating global warming in the Southwest. We seem to be suffering from a kind of future shock, a disease of change that takes the form […]